Wistful and lost I called to you, without ever knowing your name, I didn’t dare to think it could be… but still, against all odds, you c… With a key to the prison I create…
There’s a smile on my lips, it belongs to you, Because joy makes my heart flips w… inspired by you. Where once I believed
As the tears spilled down my cheek… and my soul cried out for sweet re… I prayed one last time for what th… despite the bitterness that had be… In the darkness that became my bre…
She huddles against the grit of a… In the grime of the alleyway, Unable to keep warm, The knife of hunger in her belly, Too tired to look for food.
Paw prints are on my heart, that will always be there, no matter that we’re apart, I feel you everywhere. Neo my little one,
Those lovely brown eyes stared at… with such love and affection, always prepared to comfort me, though I might not be paying atten… The warmth of your soft body,
My name is Cassidy Aarons and I live at 793 Willard Avenue, apartment number thirty-three. I am twenty-seven years of age, Caucasian, and completed a Master’s degree at Columbia Univers...
The smell of burnt toast spilled over to my senses as I yawned and stretched out, barely allowing my eyes to flutter open. I groaned. It was way too early to get moving, but it was clea...
My heart is very strange altogethe… At times it’s covered in fur all a… Or wool, skin or even feathers, Depending on what animal I’ve fou… For no human love is more pure or…
In the beautiful world I see, there is enough love, to reach from sea to sea, from the ground to the sky above. In this world there is plenty to s…
Soft and warm as you snuggled clos… I could tell you every thought, Or I could just nuzzle your preci… Unconditional love, is what you ta… Friends come in all shapes and siz…
“I am so, so sorry.” Audrina tugged at the sleeve of her dress and tried to look at her date with some sort of compassion, even though she didn’t feel much but anger at the moment. “It’...
Jumping and running free, through… Laughing and playing, and living c… Breathing in freedom, with essence… Crawling all over, and under the t… Now, for too many, it is only a dr…
There once was a girl who had it a… Her life was perfectly planned. She had an abundance of knowledge… All the tools she’d need to meet a… She was aware of her strengths and…
They grow up as Daddy’s big boy a… Innocence all so angelic, every si… Though it seems that every angel h… Many harsh realities leave people… All throughout the world these lit…