S. Mc Donald

Deliver Me

Slowly o’er the hills it creeps
Darkness, blackness fairly seems.
Night is coming, day is dead
Now’s the time to lay my head
down on the stone cold ice I nest
as power from my sin I wrest
Numbness now, and lukewarm too
vow that evil I’ll not do
Lids grow heavy, fight no longer
as my exhaustion grows stronger
Drifting off, a voice I hear
hissing softly in my hear
“Sleep well slave, til morning comes
and to me again succumb”
Fight this devil I must try,
but I’m weakening, by and by
Bright light permeates the room
here to seal the Devil’s doom
Glowing there beside my bed
“This one’s mine –be gone!”, He said
Satan’s tremb’ling jaw grew slack
softly he mumbled, “I’ll be back!”
In a flash he disappeared
that he would return, I feared
“ Don’t be scared”, my Jesus spake
“I’ll be with you when you wake.
Lay right down and go to sleep;
I, the Lord, your soul shall keep”.
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