This was written after kissing my best friend in High School. We are still best friends, though we tease each other from time to time about this incident.
Soft smooth silk and creamy lace cut with love and stitched in plac… Each small piece a work its own The seamstress’ skill beautifully… This gown of white took time to ma…
One black slash through mottled gr… fills the empty opening Veins of brown and glints of gold create a show that’s playful, bold Low’ring once, then twice again
My love life is a series of unfortunate events My eyes are full of tearies 'cuz I write in present tense My friends are non-existent
Slowly o’er the hills it creeps Darkness, blackness fairly seems. Night is coming, day is dead Now’s the time to lay my head down on the stone cold ice I nest
An orb of blue that’s fraught with… and clear that’s fraught with blac… Armies will rise and fall back dow… to fight to get it back The brown is mixed with shades of…
Monuments of polished stone makes them feel they’re not alone Seeing names who’ve gone befores’ flight away from Earth’s dark shor… Safety there up in the sky
Flowing through my blood again, creeping, icy, prickly skin. Chills run up and down my spine, limbs don’t feel as though they’re… Every hair stands up on end
I’faith the cost of love seems non… when love for one child bears It’s strange, it’s odd that one co… so much for one so young Look you upon that tiny face