S. Mc Donald

Gift Wrapped

A poem about a traditional bride

Soft smooth silk and creamy lace
cut with love and stitched in place.
Each small piece a work its own
The seamstress’ skill  beautifully shown.
This gown of white took time to make:
It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t fate.
It took a choice, it took some work -
sometimes I feared I’d go bezerk
waiting for this day: you see
the pieces of this gown are me
The part you all can see is first
on which the world has done its worst
On top the gown, the lace we see
is filled with holes - and that’s the key
Some parts of me I gave away
I didn’t save them for this day.
But lace, you see can still belong
the holes it has have made it strong.
My point is not the lacy filth;
it’s underneath - it is the silk.
The silk is smooth, untouched, and new
THIS part of me I’ve saved for you
No hand has touched, no eye has seen
the treasures that I hold within
Waiting all this time, unshod
This part of me: gift wrapped by God.


I wrote this poem in response to reading the book "Gift Wrapped by God" by Linda Dillow. It's a Christian book, pertaining to the idea of remaining chaste until marriage. So clearly, this poem is written from the perspective of a new (traditional) bride to her husband at the time of their marriage.

#Chaste #Gift #God #Purity #Saved #TraditionalVirgin #Wedding #White

Other works by S. Mc Donald...
