Daily reminiscents of my childhood dreams,
When anything and everything was possible it seemed,
Before developing the mental sting of pain and fear,
Back when I felt no guilt and my conscience was still so clear.
The world was my playground,
The hills were my castles,
But fast like a greyhound,
It filled up with assholes.
That care free mentality,
Still blind to brutality,
And covetousness.
When magical powers were still assumed real,
Before the harsh truth about Christmas,
When fascination still withheld it’s appeal,
And I still had faith in my wishlist.
I used to think my parents had all the answers,
The warmest form of reassurance,
But now as I’m older and my life advances,
I’m sworn to a storm of abhorrence.
Childhood’s precious,
Don’t grow up too quickly,
Life is relentless,
And soon becomes sickly.
Adulthood fails to reach expectations,
Freedom was promised; or so was implied,
No mention of all the rules and regulations,
The laws of life in which we all must abide.