Saul Gamboa


All the bad coaches I had.

Thanks for the time and false hope that you tried to fill us with. Not that I’m not for an advancement in life no no no don’t get me wrong that’s what life is all about but a commitment in midst of an agreement and a season should never be the way to severance a relationship. It’s not about how much trophies or how tactical you are on the field of play. It’s about team and inspiring young soldiers to be the best for you and to be inspired by your vision that you see for them winning a game. We should have know when u came in yelling and screaming at us as if you were hitler and his army not worried about anyone’s objective either than yourself. But thank you coach you are the reason sometimes we grow more passionate about this game and our team mates knowing that our team as a unity will be that much stronger and willing to do anything to win for each other. You can take your great staff and stick them when the sun doesn’t shine in the end is much rather play my heart out for a coach that is worth his word than one that takes it back. I hope your new college team sees this so they know what type of general there getting. Even the US was a underdog behind Washington before we became a great nation. So thank you and have a nice day!!!!
