It is difficult to be enticed by the sociological aspect of this place.
The politics are bewildering. The mental health rate statistics are growing..
We live in a capitalist’s world.
Prices rise, while amounts of money rocket. It is negating.
It is insulting to my generation.
New technology makes us look like we are imbecilic, which is inanely graceless.
We know the information, but are not given opportunities to show this.
We prove the content is learned, but are stuck in the same place.
We can not test out of “mandatory” grade level classes.
Not until we reach eighteen years of age.
Gas fluctuates between three fifty and five dollars a gallon.
Meanwhile, loaded Politicians are not concerned.
They are busy, trying to get a Democratic president to conform to their system.
This is much how childhood is, as well.
In fact, as someone who grew up their entire life in the United States,
I can explain how the rules work..
I can also explain how to get around them, but not without repercussion.
Not following the way of life here is not accepted.
You are frowned upon as an outcast if you are even slightly different.
If you learn differently, it is considered wrong.
If you have a teen pregnancy, it is degrading to who you are.
Being “different” is the in-thing, and everyone “goes through that phase”.
People with mental health problems are harassed because
“they wanted attention”, “They asked for it”, “They deserved it”.
You undoubtedly know that when you are born, in the United States,
there is a system. Or, as I refer to it: the system.
You are born into a very crisp, cookie-cutter idea of right and wrong.
You are born into a society that is set on it’s morals
and does not like differentiating opinions.
I want to change this.