Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Lines Written at the King’s

Richer than misers o’er their countless hoards,
Nobler than kings, or king-polluted lords,
Here dwelt the man of Ross! O trav’ller, hear,
Departed merit claims a reverent tear.
If 'neath this roof thy wine-cheered moments pass,
Fill to the good man’s name one grateful glass:
To higher zest shall mem’ry wake thy soul,
And virtue mingle in th’ ennobled bowl.
But if, like mine thro’ life’s distressful scene
Lonely and sad thy pilgrimage hath been;
And if, thy breast with heart-sick anguish fraught,
Thou journeyest onward tempest-tost in thought;
Here cheat thy cares! in generous visions melt,
And dream of goodness thou hast never felt!

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