Sunshadows, for I wish not to wake. But rather to sleep within the
Why is it that we say an act of cruelty is “inhumane”? When did that word...
Still feel alone? How, when I have friends, I have family. I have no right
So, you don’t drink? or smoke? So, you are better than them? You let them use you, and you take the fall for them,
That elusive mindset, where it all falls into place. But where do I lie? Am I lacking? Lying on the borderline?
Forces of Nature more powerful than earthquakes, than tsunamis, the bane of happiness
When is something truly hopeless? Is it when you cannot go on? When life throws impossible obstac… Is it that moment when you give up… Tired of the injustice and apathy?
When others see me, What do they really see? Is it what they want to see? Or is it me? Do they see misconceptions
I let you go Why? After countless hours, After loving words, and secrets,
Death is peace, death is silence, death is final. There can be no further pain. But there can be no further hope.
What do I do now? Where do I go from here? What does this mean for us? How Do
A pit of spikes A trench fill with mustard gas. A stiletto between the ribs.
Some say Hell is fire and brimstone. Some say Ice and darkness. Endless suffering, Eternal damnation.
Why do you listen to the lies? How do you not see
Much have I wandered From one life to another. My sorrows I have pondered, injustices that threaten to smothe… A mind of barbs and brambles