

Slopstatute integrity, nasty ganja and Plenty O’toole’s  rhapsodic emasculated
satisfaction.  Sigh... sensation. Snort snowy sand spit shambles; smooch serpent skulls.
Idolize illusions.  Iced iron inkblots inside intestines.
Nostalgia noose; nightcaps.
Annual anal ambiguous anxiety.  Art.
Plenty’s parent’s perpetual post-partum pandemonium produces
pulverized pork, preheated.  
Oral orgasms’ omnipotent obligation.  Outcry. Oiled oaths.
Roadkill reminisce reminds Plenty of resilience.
Rainbow rampage resized.
Empty eclipse emoticon.  Elixir pharmaceuticals; rely on stimulant sedative.
Plenty, a rancor narcissist.
Purgatory preheat an inferno. Native.
Aura on sabbatical graceful ravish.
Polish off piles of
enmity after paternal rendezvous.
Plenty is Plenty.
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