Robert W. Service

The Decision

Said she: 'Although my husband Jim
Is with his home content,
I never should have married him,
We are so different.
Oh yes, I know he loves me well,
Our children he adores;
But he’s so dull, and I rebel
Against a life that bores.
'Of course there is another man,
Quite pennyless is he;
And yet with hope and joy we plan
A home beyond the sea.
Though I forfeit the name of wife
And neighbours ostracise,
Such happiness will crown our life
Their censure we’ll despise.
‘But then what will my children think,
Whose love is pure and true?’
Said I: ‘Your memory will stink
If they should speak of you.
Your doting Jim will curse your name,
And if you make a mess
Of life, oh do not in your shame
Dare hope for happiness.’
Well, still with Jim she lives serene,
And has of kiddies three.
‘Oh what a fool I might have been
To leave my home,’ says she.
'Of course Jim is a priceless bore,
But he’s so sweet to me . . .
Come darling won’t you let me pour
Another cup of tea?'

Otras obras de Robert W. Service...
