Now Eddie Malone got a swell gram… An’ sez he: “Come along for a sea… Then Dogrib, an’ Slave, an’ Yell… Confluated near, to see an’ to hea… Then Ed turned the crank, an’ the…
Oh I have worn my mourning out, And on her grave the green grass g… So I will hang each sorry clout High in the corn to scare the crow… And I will buy a peacock tie,
From torrid heat to frigid cold I’ve rovered land and sea; And now, with halting heart I hol… My grandchild on my knee: Yet while I’ve eighty years all t…
Window Shopper I stood before a candy shop Which with a Christmas radiance s… I saw my parents pass and stop To grin at me and then go on.
And so when he reached my bed The General made a stand: “My brave young fellow,” he said, “I would shake your hand.” So I lifted my arm, the right,
When I was boxing in the ring In 'Frisco back in ninety—seven, I used to make five bucks a fling To give as good as I was given. But when I felt too fighting gay,
My rhymes are rough, and often in… I’ve drifted, silver—sailed, on se… Hearing afar the bells of Elfland… Seeing the groves of Arcadie agle… I was the thrall of Beauty that r…
'Nay; I don’t need a hearing aid’ I told Mama—in—law; 'For if I had I’d be afraid Of your eternal jaw; Although at me you often shout,
He’s the man from Eldorado, and h… In moccasins and oily buckskin shi… He’s gaunt as any Indian, and pre… He’s greasy, and he smells of swea… He sports a crop of whiskers that…
He was my one and only love; My world was mirror for his face. We were as close as hand and glove… Until he came with smiling grace To say: 'We must be wise, my dear…
A hundred years is a lot of living I’ve often thought. and I’ll know… Some day if the gods are good in g… And grant me to turn the century. Yet in all my eighty years of bein…
You’ve heard of “Casey at The Ba… And “Casey’s Tabble Dote”; But now it’s time To write a rhyme Of “Casey’s Billy—goat.”
Sitting in the dentist’s chair, Wishing that I wasn’t there, To forget and pass the time I have made this bit of rhyme. I had a rendez—vous at ten;
I had a friend, a breezy friend I liked an awful lot; And in his company no end Of happiness I got. We clicked in temper, taste and mo…
Don’t cheer, damn you! Don’t chee… Silence! Your bitterest tear Is fulsomely sweet to—day. . . . Down on your knees and pray. See, they sing as they go,