Robert W. Service

My Consolation

'Nay; I don’t need a hearing aid’
I told Mama—in—law;
'For if I had I’d be afraid
Of your eternal jaw;
Although at me you often shout,
I’m undisturbed;
To tell the truth I can’t make out
A single word.'
And it’s the same with others who
Attempt to gab at me;
I listen to their point of view
And solemnly agree.
To story stale and silly joke
Stone deaf’s my ear;
Each day a dozen stupid folk
I fail to hear.
So silence that should be my grief
Is my escape and shield;
From spiteful speech and base relief
My aural sense is sealed.
And in my cosy cot of peace
I close the door.
Praising the gods for rich relief
From fool and bore.

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