Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin



Dear God.  The other day I met a man who said he was a brilliant scientist who knew everything.  In a competitive manner, he asked me what I knew, and I said, “I know nothing.”  He looked at me, shook his head, and walked away.  It’s true.  I don’t know what the whales are singing.  You gave them the lyrics to the song.  I don’t know what the future is.  You hold it to your bosom as an eternal poem, revealed through each stanza.  I can’t see the other side of the mountain from where I stand.  You know every rock on top and underneath.  I can only see the surface of the ocean.  You created all life that dwells within its depth.  I can’t see heaven.  I can’t see you.  

If we both conducted our lives in close examination of the wonders of your creations, we would find that the pulse of life and beyond is bigger than we could imagine.  Until then, we both know nothing.  Amen.

From my book entitled, "In Reverence to Life."

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