Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Whiskey Island

Whiskey Island,
Adorned by pearly cliffs,
Embosomed by savory waters,
Set apart from things
The way they are,
Watched over by the angels,
With succulent trees,
Fruit that falls into your lap,
A mountain that turns inside out and
Reveals its precious minerals,
There for you for the taking,
The island of your dreams,
Life as you always wished it to be,
Beautiful damsels catering
To your demands,
Listening to every word you say,
Offering their laps for a pillow,
Massaging your forehead,
Singing lullabies to put you asleep,
Ecstasy oh sweet ecstasy,
Fantasy oh sweet fantasy,
That stays as it is and
Never lets you go.
The climb to the summit, so fun and easy.
The descent to the bottom a nightmare;
As ye shall find the same reality
That caused you to climb the mountain
In the first place.

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