Robert L. Martin

Virgin Thoughts

Virgin Thoughts
Mother Nature with her warm tantalizing lips
Her silken mouth dripping with luscious honey
Her loins opening to the inundation of beauty
As she rides on her white stallion across the skies
Her chastity belt is made of flimsy cotton
Pulled apart at the slightest movement
Her tattered garments fall to the ground
As she calls to young lovers from the mount
Virgins who are far away but yet so close
Are touched by the heat of love’s calling
Oh that tingling feeling that comes their way
Races to their loins full speed ahead
Who can thwart what fills them up with bliss,
When love is a gentle rage that leads them on?
What makes virgins fly to the highest peaks?
What power could be more powerful than lust?
As virgin thoughts lose their grip
The thrills of love tighten their hold
As tenderness becomes too tender
The silent rage becomes louder
As fairy tales remain fairy tales
The truth digs itself further into truth
As celibates sink further into love
They pass through pleasure’s gates
As love haters commune at love’s tables
They become love’s lovers
As all the living succumbs
To temptation
Only the Godly
Keep their virgin thoughts

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