Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

The Fruit Of Courage

The Fruit Of Courage
Sentries with their razor like spears,
Their anxious hearts pumping lava,
Their hands that crush battleships,
Their arms made out of tempered steel,
Their strength that moves the planets,
Their courage to fight against all odds,
Their consultation with their other God,
Their allegiance to secure his decrees,
Their willingness to battle until they die,
Stand in the way of attainment
And guard the only corridor to success.
I, affected by their intimidation,
Weakened by the size of their muscles,
Shrinking from their overpowering words,
Repeating to myself that I am also fierce,
That I have muscles to outmuscle theirs’,
Finding in my spirit an ounce of courage,
Anointing that ounce with the holiest of oils,
Building it up to reach the holy summit,
Sanctifying my thoughts of retaliation,
Reaching deep down into my soul,
Martyring myself before the Almighty,
Matching their power and adding more,
Knowing that I will come out unscathed,
Convincing myself that it will be done,
Flexing my muscles with their sacrilege,
Using their words to stock up my arsenal,
Going into battle with my invincibility,
Clarifying my goal more with each blow,
Tasting the finish inside my heartened mouth,
Finding where my retaliation led me to,
Seeing the fruit of courage blossom before me,
And realizing that I am the master of my will.
Now I can prove to myself
That I can reach the summit.
Thank God that I am worthy.

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