Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Story In The Silence

Music floats and dancers ride the sound
With rolling arms and feet off the ground,
Rising with the calming like such sweet incense,
Spiraling into heaven and sinking in the silence.
With music as the story and rhythm as the guide,
We fly to forgotten places on a glorious ride.
We jump in the clouds and play with the rains
With freedom in our hands, we cast off the chains.
Dancers talk with bodies, and I with my heart.
We delineate the silence and lighten up the dark.
We interpret our stories just how we see fit
With music as our guide, the stories we transmit.
An ode to dancers and the feeling they convey,
Reach into my bones with their body sway,
A love affair with the artistry in motion,
Like the ire and calming of the shifting ocean.
An epic story told with a silent tongue,
As dancers dance and speakers speak.

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