Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Passion Gate

Passion maxima, full speed ahead,
through the gate and to the thunder,
the beauty of the whimsical rhythms,
the fleeting showers of the lightning,
the fiery teeth of the beast on display,
the annihilation of
everything in his path,
to feel the power of the skies,
to succumb to its might,
to die in the face of nature’s rage,
a death that no other hath,
adrenal surge against the elements,
the ultimate thrill into certain death,
the ride on a lightning bolt,
the feel of the tempest pulsating,
how it breathes in the storm,
the unknowing into the knowing,
the hereafter opening its doors
to the impassioned.
Hail to the glory of the
power of the skies.

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