Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Our Earth

Our Earth

Nature’s laws are mandated to nurture the pulse of life and its rejuvenation.  Man must open his heart to the ways of nature in order to grow closer to their secrets.  Mother Nature is as fragile as a weeping virgin, but as strong as a proud oak tree.  She stands firm as long as nature stays in balance.  She falters when humanity lets his gluttonous appetite direct his actions.  He takes too much from her and gives her nothing in return.  Instinct in its sovereignty rules all animals and creatures who take only enough to survive and leave enough to keep nature in its proper balance.  Instinct is a blind ignorance that reasoning has nothing to do with, but yet, a divine providence that reasoning must be aware of in its every thought and deed.  Animals are natural born stewards who let the laws of instinct rule their actions.  Mankind must learn how valuable that instinct is in order to become a steward of his own actions as well as his environment, respectful of all God’s creations.

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