Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin


Tensions tensed as the clanging goes,
As hammers hammer and the windy wind blows.
Nervous nerves moving upward to the crest,
As the praying frayed and the devil blessed.
Tempers tempered with the gentle calm
As the storm stormed into the quiet dawn.
Battles battled through the sleepless nights
As the morning awoke to contentious fights.
Peaceful peace was an island with no name,
A diamond in the rough as the devil laid claim.
A calming calm is a place within a nook,
A place to rest beside a singing brook.
A mindful mind emerges from the storm.
All thoughts clear from the swarming swarm.
Poets poetize with their poetic thoughts
About the days tied up in knotted knots,
From their hurling, whirling, swirling days,
To the longing, balming, calming sprays,
Like tempests dying down to a quiet ripple,
An ode to a turbulent life made simple,
A nook in the midst of all the chaos,
A peaceful peace from what it cost.
Oh such a sweet sweeter life indeed.

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