Venice, by Maurice Prendergast
Robert L. Martin

Murder License

A gun and a badge
and a license to
serve and protect,
a license to uphold
the laws of justice,
a license to
exercise the power invested,
a license to
use that power to
keep others from
breaking the laws,
a license to
use force to keep them
from doing it,
a license to
defend oneself if and
when it is necessary,
a license to
intimate all law breakers,
a license to
gloat with that power within,
a license to
alter one’s way of thinking,
a license to
let the devil help in
making sudden decisions,
a license to
ride with the adrenal rushes,
a license to
fire the gun at random,
a license to
commit murder,
a license to
say it was necessary,
a license to falsify
the reason for the killing,
a license to
get a lawyer to support
the reason,
a good cop turned bad.

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