Informative phrases laid down, words etched in granite and stone, unadorned in black and white, prose machines pumping out prose, rhetoric flying out of
Those who preach joy and happiness to all, but have none in their hearts, have nothing within themselves to verify those feelings. Their smiles are only cultivated and not the result o...
North Winds North wind, cool my burning skin The fire has lasted too long there… Summer has wrapped me in her cradl… Prepared me for long suppers at he…
Of life on an upward climb, trudging along sacred trails with weighty packs digging in the weary muscles in the back, toning up the muscles in the legs
Dear God. Respect and persevering love prolong the sensation of joy as they remain in the souls of lovers and loved ones. They strengthen the bond that love needs to flourish in. Eve...
I had two kinds of dreams. The first one, I had no means of control in which my night of deep sleep gave me vivid images that placed me in a world of fantasy, apart from the world of s...
Death is Nearing Death for I know I see thee come The hour nears so with the rising… I await its pain but soothing comf… To God my prayers I thee consort
Lazy skies of no spirit or stirrin… no sound, no voices, no wind, no w… like dancing with no drums to move… a lullaby with no dynamics in the… an empty space with nothing to fil…
The Hunger Never touched before, She wanders through the night A child at play in a woman’s body A target for the hungry
Nomadic Appeasement Always wandering but to his choice Houses are four walls with no voic… A narrow prison that stifles his b… A sentence handed down until his d…
The Dancer A thousand words her flaming eyes Hushed within her silent cries Her body is the expression of life Caressing all its joy and strife
The Journey Music is enriched with Mystical Powers A remedy prescribed to Sweeten tasteless hours
As death settles in under the frozen dermal covers deep down beneath the layers and layers of the energetic soil with its hindmost armies
Air of the pure blown away as the devil breathed upon the ear… his puffy cheeks full of poison extracted from lethal streams flowing from from his ghoulish hea…