The heavy pounding beat of the music quieted down to a slow romantic pace, and the lovers took to the floor with their partners. The moment finally arrived where they could dance cheek to cheek.
Everyone got up to dance except for the girl who the boys called “Fatso.” She looked down at the floor while the tears flowed down her cheeks. Suddenly she felt something touching her shoulder. A beaming smile lit up her face as she lifted her head, but found no one there. Instead of someone asking her to dance, all she heard was a voice.
“Don’t feel so bad about yourself. You are a beautiful girl. If I had a body, I would love to dance with you. You and God have control over your own fate. He gave you the free will to decide what to do with it. If you try to help yourself, he will work with you. If you do your part with dieting and exercising, he will take the excess fat off your body, tone your muscles, and redistribute your weight. His heart bleeds for you when you abuse yourself; after all, you are his cherished creation.
The cruel name calling has humiliated you. Let it inspire you to rise up and prove to the boys that they are wrong. You have infinite charm within you, whether you know it or not. It is your feminine mystique that attracts the opposite sex to you. If you and God make your body more appealing, boys will stand in line to dance with you. You have it already. All that is needed is its refinement.”
She tried to find out where the voice came from, but could find nothing. The phantom floated through the walls of the ballroom, never to be found. After the dance was over, she returned home with a positive feeling about herself and the desire to work with God and become more appealing. God bless her.