Deep inside a brittle spirit sleep… In a warm body lulled to sleep by Weeping angels and celestial choir… Heaven incarnated in tranquil lull… Soft melodies finding harmonic hom…
Horizon carpets in pink appear at… to cushion the pelting sun and the… and for weary seafarers to climb u… after a long day’s journey to reli… They stretch upon the waters way o…
“We welcome you brother sun so fai… Your warming smiles and soothing a… Against our skin and barren limbs, From sacred skies and hallowed hym… Of angel choirs singing winter’s l…
Fancy Schmancy bottles equipped With a cap conundrum, With a secret as to the twisting. How shalt thou twist it off If he can’t get to the twister?
When outer space was just and insp… A food for the poet’s heart and mi… A river flowing through the parche… An oasis of thought, creativity, a… A story written in breathtaking pr…
Out to sea where the sky touches t… where lives our beloved Neptune a… near an island beclouded by the as… out where the clouds and the glass… where our poet lives in solitude a…
“The truly religious man does not… Divisions of God The birth of religion The formation and growth of a concept
Harbingers afore the early spring, Messengers of the busy clouds that… The Boreal breath of winter’s wra… Floating down along Khione’s path Through corridors lined with cryst…
I vow not to give up on life. Through the years, my body will tire; but my spirit will be like a seeded field in midwinter that dreams of running brooks and flowering valleys. I will ...
Slaves of the slaves of the slaves… of the evil behind the tiers of ev… the beast with the black iron bloo… the turbulent flowing of the poiso… through demonic veins,
Multi-Levels Did you read your Bible today Or did you read your Bible today? Did you skim over the scriptures For the sake of getting it over wi…
Poetry in the air with eyes of a h… With telephoto lenses And metaphoric wings, And me in their sights, My contented self,
The me in the age of robotics, my arms, my mind, my legs, my self… connected to me but not connected, moved by the wind but not felt in… my knowing of the mechanics of the…
Clouds change from the rising sun into the sunset from their day on… and colors bleed into colors like chameleons just like their sh… Nature’s a painter with an iridesc…
Along the way before Martin’s Win… a road not taken and by-passed thr… is still a mystery to me that make… When I see it again shall I begin… My beaten path has my tracks still…