Of stories told with enchanting tongues
Sweet breath of jasmine and myrrh
Through the still evening air
Into the rising sun and beauteous morn’
Riding with symphonic pulses
Shaping sounds with dancing fingers
With moods and dreams and colors aglow
Up and down through electric spines
Into molten rhetoric with open mouths
With liquid music and noble prose
Climbing into caves and touching the walls
With scepters poking through the fragile skin
Sinking down into the core of life
Pumping the blood through poetic veins
Chanting canticles with the mystery of song
Taming the lions with a gentle hand
With a mother’s lullaby
A quiet song
A purring
A sigh
A tone poem called “The Sound of Silence.”
“Of Whispering Winds,” “Of Heaven’s Bliss.”
Riding into the sunset with the music Gods
Taking the music up to and beyond the stars
Making a new heaven out of heaven
A space beyond all spaces
A story of the stillness be stilled
Of nothing but the space