

To be better
I have to be bitter
3 times a day
Patches glowing
Flakes falling
Draining and pale
I inhale and exhale
Spiraling towards the sky
I remember
The doom
That befallen
In that night
Where I can no longer stand on my two feet
Darkness clouding my eyes
Uncontrolable movement of my fingers
As the nail of the ink
Scratches upon the paper
All I hear is that sound
That beautiful melody
Rushing against my eardrum
I feel the flow in my every veins
And the night became endless
It’s delicate yet sorrowful
I gaze
And my eyes
Locked upon your luminous chest
Unwrap me from your splendor sky
It is bitter
I detest you
Do not manifest
Let me sleep
For the lies of you
Is an incurable disease


Altre opere di Rina...
