Dreams and sorrows like fallen empires
Cast about within my conscience
At each event a line is crossed
When every horizon is another place
When mountains rise and rivers flow
And forests cover every land
And merge into unending vistas
With great sky’s above
That threatens storms
That brings about alertness
Am I not then within that place
That other land without a face
It is here and now in quiet grace
Awakened with sorrows memory
That I return alone from dreams
Only to see them vanish in quickened time
The memory seeps away the fear
Released from dark with no one near
To see the look within my eyes
That only another soul could see
The light of a new day then draws near
A future that is only part clear
Reveals that Its hear and now
This place of life
This world of my birth
This space that I am within
Not alone as dreams might say
No proof that there is another way
Where only shadows race
Before some ghostly sun.
Image: Land & Sky by my late son Christopher Walker