Richard Lovelace

Portii Licinii

Si Phoebi soror es, mando tibi, Delia, causam,
 Scilicet, ut fratri quae peto verba feras:
Marmore Sicanio struxi tibi, Delphice, templum,
 Et levibus calamis candida verba dedi.
Nunc, si nos audis, atque es divinus Apollo,
 Dic mihi, qui nummos non habet unde petat.
If you are Phoebus sister, Delia, pray,
This my request unto the Sun convay:
O Delphick god, I built thy marble fane,
And sung thy praises with a gentle cane,
Now, if thou art divine Apollo, tell,
Where he, whose purse is empty, may go fill.
Otras obras de Richard Lovelace...
