

Working summer

send four clowns
near the downs
hotel was sound
glory all around
posmere hotel is found
four perranporth sands
chef mad as a hound
food was full of muck
fondly loved so much
sand dunes a must
for all our sun dust
look out to the sea
girl from Essex for me
singing kettle i love thee
so good to be free
drinks with keith
Gordon Chris and me
burn hand in the sands
in the oven before tea
wee all wait and see
to serve you all
breakfast dinner and tea
walk the rocks
full off clocks
eastern camel
by the rocks
remote as it can be
sir john betjeman
poet laureate
tiny church as you see
he loved to be
buried by the sea
sand dunes thy hide
just before the tide
i was taken for a ride
back home before  i die
last summer arise
for what i do now
love of fools blind
was not very kind
stays in my mind
forever i will find
till the rest of thee
St piran lost in time

John Betjeman buried
in small church in cornwall
saint piran of tin miners

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