
mr plump mr plimp

Bloody smelly

Mr plump and mr plimp
to meet and have tea
by the sea
they both stink
not had a wash
for a bloody week
meet Mr clump
full of mumps
then he trumps
in his tie and suit
red as beetroot
bloody big lump
Mr plimp in the sink
tries to wash a mink
makes Mr plump sick
fall down like chips
smelly plump so limp
tries.  again in the sink
Mr plump and mr plimp
both live in a dump
smelly  big lumps
fat as clowns
all fall down
to lose a few pounds
in the gym i be bound
both back in town
shops all around
second hand shop
smelly cooking pot
stinks a bloody lot
plump and plimp
find food in the bin
go back home with sin
listen to dame Vera lyn

Idea from John cleese
and Raymond briggs

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