
ham and sam

Desperate Dan
and cow pies

Over the hills sit dan
windy rain with sam
we begin to date ham
walk down the stairs
fair to share we stare
catch a fallen star light
in the middle of the night
give s us all a big fright
i pray for only in daylight
daisy turnips  baby scary
rock in thy dolly pram sam
go ahead make boiled ham
rock to a band we all stand
pussy boots Dan in the sand
blow bubbles  with troubles
blue dye in my hair stairs
desperate Dan cow in hand
blow torch shave blue stand
sink down in quick sand sam
walk tall with our goal
head to pole sign on dole
north star wake by mars
you are so bold let me hold
when you are falling down
Desperate Dan helps sam
one man hear for thy beer
sit down with desperate dan
for Dundee sake for we make
cake down by the bonnie lake

Desperate Dan is one of
the oldest comic strip
in the world
the dandy.
statue in Dundee scotland

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