Some certainties are like steel, They don’t bend easily or break, Or disappear into thin air. They stand true and naked In the face of hesitation,
if we were lovers unafraid lovers we will build whole worlds of things to remember Build me a memory
I wonder if Einstein, in his hapl… Did compute the time paradox that… When two lovers are away from each… Time do go slower, like an eternit… When you are away from me.
I see my foolishness in others, A translucent absurdity of chances… And I’m ashamed. You reached out to me, And I was blind,
I want you to miss me As your name pierce my soul with s… every time I think of you I want you to want me To drink me, to breathe me
The random happiness of Two by twos A drunken scape, A passionate kiss. The crime’s not solved
In the city transfixed by fear Lovers whisper to each other desp… And like in the famous painting They kiss through a veil of oblivi… That we may see another day
Elation, Euphory, Your eyes on me, My smile on you. Suddenly, thunderous words.
Behind the arcanes that govern our… There is a silver line of hope about returns and encounters. Still, your eyes hesitate, as do y… To surrender, to let go, to exist…
Cuida y protege este castillo de naipes en el que vivimos, Haz perdurar nuestros sueños, emociones y proyectos, líbranos de la monotonía, el desdén, y el miedo que nos acechan cada inst...
Born from a bloody battle Between Restraint and Pleasure, The blood that flowed was sweet an… Bacchus rescued the carcass, Covered with flowers, fruits, and…
I’m no one’s monster. I walk up and down my own darkness… Enjoying the bleeding freedom Fought and won over the dim light… I’m no one’s pain.
Like grey skies announcing a comin… I’m fearing the news of your parti… Unsuccessfully trying to shelter m… From the devastating phenomenon... I won’t see you go. I havent got…
Recette pour un long amour : prenez toutes les papillons que vous avez a l’estomac a chaque fois que vous la voyez, et que son visage et tout son corps s’illumine au contact de vos rega...
Blue on blue and the stench of blu… Happy, friendly faces, Desperate inside, And the thought of you, A sad memory,