Cuida y protege este castillo de naipes en el que vivimos, Haz perdurar nuestros sueños, emociones y proyectos, líbranos de la monotonía, el desdén, y el miedo que nos acechan cada inst...
if we were lovers unafraid lovers we will build whole worlds of things to remember Build me a memory
It is not because we start to with… The roses of the first instants st… The first heartache still pinch us… The first kiss, The first love.
In the city transfixed by fear Lovers whisper to each other desp… And like in the famous painting They kiss through a veil of oblivi… That we may see another day
Some certainties are like steel, They don’t bend easily or break, Or disappear into thin air. They stand true and naked In the face of hesitation,
If you ask me for a kiss In the middle of a crowd Or you ask me for a kiss In the middle of nowhere Chances are it’ll be the same
In the end, what kills you Is not the great machinations of t… But the small battles of your own… And the soul shrivels And the heart follows the painless…
I’m no one’s monster. I walk up and down my own darkness… Enjoying the bleeding freedom Fought and won over the dim light… I’m no one’s pain.
I want you to miss me As your name pierce my soul with s… every time I think of you I want you to want me To drink me, to breathe me
If by chance life gives you wings, use them to sail across the bay. The extensive field of green blue… adorned with gems of steel and con… offers a crown to the queen City
La tortura no es verte en todas pa… La tortura es que me singularices… Otra flecha... y otra mas... mi co… malaventurado San Sebastián.
Autumn winds in the morning Flowing through my flesh and bones… Autumn winds after a scorching sum… Cleaning away the ashes of what it… Autumn winds renewing the earth
Je me lève de mon linceul humide Je cherche l’air, l’esprit, la vie… Je te cherche toi, Peut être de l’autre côté de la po… Tu m’attends.
I miss you more when I want to sh… A sunset, a joke, A verse, a reading about love and lost love…
Every corner of this city beautifu… reminds me of something I want to relive. Every blue sky has a golden line, every soft green shrub, a new begi…