
Maybe it’s for the best

You tell me I have gorgeous eyes,
Tell me that you just want to see me and cuddle.
Is that all you wanted of me? Physical contact?
I spilled my heart out to you,
Told you everything about him.
You told me everything too.
But then you go and do this?
Who went to you?
Who told you lies?
Someone had to.
Why else would you do this?
The only thing I can figure is her:
The one who eavesdrops.
She’s always been good at it,
And spreading it too.
She told me “You aren’t going for something serious until you stop talking to him.”
I told her I hadn’t talked to him in a month.
She asked for my phone, and I denied her.
Did she tell you I was still talking to him?
She’s wrong.
He’s hurt me too many times.
I have shut him out of his life.
I’m burning his hoodie that night.
Yet she probably told you.
Why would you listen to her?
Why would you succumb to her lies?
You were that quick to not come to me and believe her.
Maybe it’s for the best that we stay apart.
If you can’t trust me
And trust my reasons for what I do.
Hell I would have told you if you just asked!
But you didn’t.

Altre opere di Brielle...
