We Can Achieve Universal Peace & Prosperity For All*
We live in an era ruled by corporate and elite fascism
Where the Will of despots overrides the Will of many
Where the Will and goodness of good folk is ignored
A world ruled by a death cult of wars and of pollution
Of government corruption, greed and perpetual hate
The rulers of our spoilt world despise its inhabitants
Hoarding money and power they want us to be slaves
To serve 'em with our blood, sweat, tear, toil and debt
Debt slaves being culled off, a euthanasia of workers
The world depopulated by despicable and evil means
We are divided and ruled with bullshit and fabrication
Kept in the dark like mushrooms, an’ fed on shit food
Fooled wi’ stale bread and circus an’ hegelian dialect
Hate, division, envy an’ identity politricks are their way
Their fascism, communism, socialism and capitalism
Are ideologies of elite control foistered 'pon humanity
It’s always the ism causing schism widening chasms
There is only one thing can sew up this dividing gap
And these cold-hearted b@$+@rd $ who have power
Wage a war against hemp and its thread that joints
For them to topple we need the power of hempen oil
To transform this world into a place of compassion
A place of freedom, justice and care for all humans
We just need to push and never end the green fight
Cannabis can end elite corporate fascistic tyranny
So we can live in an era of peace and plenty for all
*Dedicated to brother Bily Hamilton a chilled out
stoned geezer who likes to Laff smokin’ in da bath