There is a desperate need to provide
Life sustaining effective treatments
Natural therapies to save many lives
To ease the suffering of those dying
For cannabis remedy to be available
And all sick folk granted free access
And not to fear arrest or harassment
Cannabis oil is a treatment that’s kind
Herb benefits bodies, soul and minds
Cannabis patients need herbil access
For laws against hemp to be repealed
Decriminalization of therapuetic herbs
For peeps to be allowed in their home
To toke, grow, bake and also medicate
For arrests and incarcerations to stop
For sick persons not to be prosecuted
Not be uncompassionately persecuted
There is a desperate need for changes
It is now time unequivocally to set free
Our healing green treez of compassion
For diseases to be soothed and eased
By natural miracle of cannabis therapy
For insanity of institutional herb hatred
To be halted, an’ reversed to fix damage
Herb should be encouraged an’ praised
Society can benefit from the holy grass
And free acces to therapuetic cannabis
The freedom of herb shall come to pass
It is the Will and the need of sick people
Their need shall be provided for by herb
Folk will keep protesting til they’re heard