I walked up a mountain to smoke up at t’ top
To commune with the spirits of the universe
Stick in my hand up a rough and stoney path
Tap a tap tap tapping right up to the summit
To sit on a boulder and smoke a pipe of hash
To survey my surroundings with stoned eyes
High up high communing with the most high
Inhaling the essence of mystical sacrament
Free to ponder up high, to muse and speculate
To gaze at the wonder and miracle of creation
To sit high real high and to marvel at existence
My companion the sweet smoke of cannabliss
Sat listening to the AUM of a surreal universe
A live breathing eternal organism of sentience
All is at one 'pon the high peak in relaxed state
It’s ordained by the eternal to consume ganjah
A scrament of poets, mystics and free thinkers
Ganjah a conduit for creative universal energy
A path to elevate our consciousness and souls
A sacrament of stamina to arrive at high places
To sit atop a mountain and ponder life’s wonder
Stoned most high to elevate our thought higher
With ganjah we contemplate the eternal enigma