Qanubast Verse

Venerate Our Green Lady of Bud Rapture & Laughter

The veneration of Our Lady of Green Love begins
Her sweet fragrance intoxicates all those present
The mood of the gathered is lifted high and higher
Green reverie is shared, laughter and herb rapture
Blessed art the stoned who share their sticky bud
Her natural spirit of love and hempathy fills hearts
Peace, love and overstanding sanctify their beings
Jubilantly the stoned congregation begin to chant
They sing songs of one love and positive vibration
They chant down babilon smoking 'pon a big bong
They sing songs of praise to the Goddess of Green
Kaya is venerated, holy herb is ceremonially burnt
The holy smoke of Our Lady of Stoned Mercy rises
An ancient chonged rite is practised with great joy
Weed worship consecrates the mind of the seeker
Toke herb in the spirit of love says the pot preacher
For blessed art the herb fumigators and cultivators
For weed shall inherit Earth and conquer with love
Oh the spirit of Our Lady of Infinite Kind Thoughts
Shall overgrow the world with acts of loving reason
For verily we shall venerate Mother Mary eternally
She’s the blesser of our existence and kind fortune
All hail Queen Mary of Sacred Kind Virgin Blooms!!

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