Stop with your blasphemy against cannabis
Your evil lie that herb is of the Devil’s works
That the herb is a malicious lettuce of Satan
The communion of ingrates and murderers
The narcotic of the most coniving fallen one
A substance of malevolent intent and harm
Stop your evil slander and libel against herb
Cannabis is not malign but of a divine origin
Created for Man as a sweet meat to nourish
Food for his body, mind, soul and sentience
For man has a vast intellect he must sustain
And endocannabinoid system he must feed
A system that is under utilised coz of laws
And the evil lies that prohibits God’s vitalities
The cannabis compounds he created for man
To function as a wholesome effective human
To deny that God created Ganjah’s blasphemy
A heretical evil causes us cannabis deficiency
So stop your malignant cannabis pontificating
Repent and tell the truth about God given herb