Please just leave us alone with our pipes
Just leave us in peace to smoke our bowl
Let us be settled smoking ‘pon fine herbs
Peacefully partaking therapeutical resins
Chilled and contemplating daily existence
Mashed meditating ’pon a myriad of stuff
Please let us be to consume pot in peace
We don want any of your babilon nonsense
None of your illogical nature hating rhetoric
Nor any fucked up tyrannical smoking rules
Stick your herb edict up your despot asses
Just leave us alone with our pipes to chugg
We do no harm with our bowls of cannabis
Go hassle some pick pockets, shoplifters
Or some nonces, burglars or sexual pests
The only crime is the one babilon commits
The crime against humanity denying ganjah
Persecuting peaceful pot pipe smoking folk
And waging an unjust war against cannabis
When will babilonia end their hemp hatred?
And abandon nonsensical putrid pot policy?
Discontinue their ganjah combustion ban??
And leaf chilled pot pipe smokers in peace
To enjoy the many benefits of holy hashish