I was in Burgos alone at the bus station
Peacefully queueing not causing bovver
It was a good day started with an Henry
The sun twas blazing just like my brain
I was waiting with my chalice in my bag
I certainly wan’t a nuisance or belligerant
Then along came spanish plod hussling
3 men in uniform causing some turmoil
With a friendly canine sniffing travellers
I felt relief as the dog passed on by me
Til el fuzz returned for a 2nd sniff sesh
In machine gun Spanish el macho said
Have you been smoking hashish today?
The other 2 policia ransacked my bags
With glee they found my weed stashes
With queue watching they told me off
Ordering me to respect Spanish laws
Wthout any shame in Castilian I replied
Señor indeed I do respect Spanish law
I am not a murderer, rapist, thief, vandal
Child abuser, violent thug or a swindler
In their cop hearts they knew I was right
They robbed my daily green sacraments
12g of herbs approx, blims of hasheesh
And a grinder with a teenph of both in it
They took a note of my passport number
And allowed me to continue my journey
I sat next to a German fellow called Jan
Our bus journey was a blaze of babbling
But alas my insulin was in my bag below
And my cannabis stashes they’d missed
Half Oz of herb and an half of soft black
Indeed I el gringo laughed the last laugh!