The cottage industry of cannabis farming
Must be encouraged and also subsidised
Everyone who can should grow cannabis
Let the sick cultivate their own therapies
Old age pensioners growing prize weeds
Students budding to finance their studies
Single parents raising weed to ease debts
Indoor gardening enthusiasts vegging pot
Artisan growers producing amazing buds
Cuttings for sale, and surplus ganja crops
Weed products to finance everyday costs
Grow it in the streets and in back gardens
In allotments, on vacant and barren lands
In grow room, sheds, warehouse and field
A thriving economy with cannabis growth
Quantative pot easing can make us all rich
Money does grow on the good ganja treez
We all deserve weed wealth and prosperity
To enrich our lives with good cannabis herb
Every human being has an inerrant pot right
To grow and benefit from a priceless flower
For ganja has more value than mere money
Hashish oils are so rich like the finest honey
If we all invest our time and effort in growing
Ganja oil will pay wo/mankind green rewards
And save us the cost of finding a new planet!