Qanubast Verse

Herb of Eternal Pondering and Celestial Vibes

To smoke hashish beneath the crescent moon
In a state of oblivious chonged contemplation
To view the miracle of the cosmos and infinity
To be part of the throb of life’s impermanence
An infinitesimal speck of dust connected to all
An atomic sized particle in the cosmic vastness
To be propelled to the heights of self awareness
And immersed into the universal consciousness
To feel the pulse of existence and the mystery
To ponder stoned again about almost everything
To feel nothingness of an eternal cosmic enigma
And to rediscover lost realms of puzzling majayk
To float upon a dream in the mind that meditates
Overwhelmed by the immenseness of inner space
The celestial kingdom found within consciousness
We sense as above, so below, as within, so without
We are connected by the holy smoke of Lord Shiva
Sent to herb bilievers to alleviate life’s daily burdens
And to fumigate and illuminate the mind of humans
Hashish the celestial communion of wisdom seekers
The eucharas of direct spiritual celestial experiences
An offering of charas pooja is a gift to all of humanity
To aid meditation, dedication and facilitate kindness
So light up the chalice and give danks unto eternity

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