Fabricated bullshit rules our entire world
A fetid bullshit stench covers the planet
A putrid pong of corruption lingers long
A smell of deception and taurine faeces
BS transmitted on tv, radios and internet
Fake news spews division, and also hate
Their lies have become an every day truth
History is a lie, religion, education, society
Science, politricks and new age spirituality
All are continued lies of brainwash control
Power’s maintained by a system of untruth
Society and people are blind to the deceits
It is enough to make uncle Bob start to cry
That folk are fast asleep in mental slavery
People have been indoctrinated with hate
Instilled with a superiority and selfishness
They bilieve in the bullshit of state bigotry
They are seperated from their fellow men
By the noxious smell of spiteful politricks
Bullshit epedemic contagiously infects us
Transmitting stupid disease of bullshititis
Infecting the whole world with dishonesty
Thank Bob we have the herb to dispell lies
Herb helps us recognise the bullshit smell
Waft away bullshit whiff with sweet weed
We nose herb fine aroma is a truth revealer