Qanubast Verse

Floral Prayer of Praise for Green Graces

The power of prayer is an amazing thing
A superstitous act of psychological faith
Our psychic request is made in our heart
Petition to the divine to improve our way
To grant us good favours and better luck
Or for favourable outcome and a solution
To the problems of life and all of its strife
He planted a seed and zed over it a prayer
His natual ritual was an observance of luv
Pressing seed in to soil then gave it water
He put hands together for a ganjah liturgy
Our Mother who art hallowed like the Earth
Grant us thy grace in germinating this seed
Let her branches grow robust and buds big
Let her flowers grow full of healing strength
Oh let this healing bush grow tall and bushy
Give us today our daily cannabis medicines
Let us freely medicate with oils of miracles
Give us this day thine eternal sticky bud luv
Most reverently he finished by saying Amen
His ganjah medicine grew stong and bushy
He tended his therapeutic herb so carefully
He was certain his prayer had given results
And blessed his plant with bueatiful vigours
Fine sticky flower to heal his pain and ache
When harvesting he zed a prayer of praises
He thanked Mother Mary for healing graces

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