Grow your own cannabis it makes se… Tending plants with organic zeal a… Raising bushes you know are grown… Fed with quality nutrients and fer… Grown in the best soil and finest…
We grow cannabis and marvel at her… We are in awe of her leaves and st… We feel it is our duty to propagat… To cultivate various strains of hi… And to rear a natural remedy of gr…
We are the law makers, we make our… We make our own morality and right… We follow our own paths with reaso… We choose to ignore unjust rotten… Laws that go against the natural l…
Cannabis consciousness has germina… Awareness of ganjah power is flour… Hash oil is anointing society with… Herb sentience is infusing us with… Plant sense is augmenting cogitati…
We transgress no law cultivating c… There is no transgression in smoki… To medicate with ganjah bud is not… We do not break the law of God mo… HIM ordained the use of all herbs…
In my heart i knew i had no other… I chose crown court as a form of p… In order for others to hear my ang… To plead my case in open court was… I had to let the public know of my…
This is a salute to all the genuin… Those who love cannabis more than… The organic growers who gift their… To those suffering with debilitati… And those in pain who benefit from…
The smoking mentality is one of li… Our herb attitude is a very tolera… With almost anyone we’ll share a b… We are quite an understanding soci… We love to share green herb knowle…
To delve into the abyss of a troub… All one needs is the aid of cannab… Let the herb be a catalyst for sel… Use weed to please the senses and… To ease and relax an old tired ach…
We are lead to the herb by the Al… Guided unto curing leaf by high di… Drawn to the sweet burning herb ar… Pleased by the smoke of timeless j… Red eyes and mind made wise by her…
High up on the mountain where the… At the summit surrounded in mist i… The shiny ones have visited mankin… Cosmic travellers visiting from ce… Masters of metallurgy, agriculture…
Oh my spliff, my spliff, my sacred… I would give my horse for a sacred… How i would like to smoke upon gan… A spliff, a spliff, i’d like to sm… Oh my sacred spliff to merrily tok…
The compassion of Mary resides in… Her sticky resin she exudes is the… Her leafs are for the wellbeing of… The great healer assigned to sooth… To consume holistic herb is to bat…
In the name of Mary I light this… With this chalice I sanctify my b… By this flame I light up my exist… Via bud fumigations I heal my bei… This daily sacrament brings me cal…
Every man, woman and child is a he… With endocannabinoid branches in o… A curative system of vital cannabi… And in our minds we grow leaves of… Within our heart bloom buds of ble…