Qanubast Verse

Sat Smokin’ Beneath a Crescent Moon

He smokes all night sebsi after sebsi
From sunset til the new sun does rise
Pot fume reddens his bloodshot eyes
Bowl after bowl of long stemmed pipe
Smoking all night much to his delight
It be the ninth lunar month of ramazan
He broke fast with soup and hashish
Now he be at peace with holy El Khadir
Lucidly dreamy and languidly thinking
He feels chilled and mystically stoned
Contemplating the enigma of existence
The metaphysical nature of everything
And the meaning of his mad chaotic life
Until the sun rises he sits with his sebsi
Imbibing the golden fume of relaxation
When the sun rises he’ll stop his toking
He’ll put down his pipe until the evening
Then once more hash fume he’ll breathe
And set to stoned contemplation again

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