Qanubast Verse

Come Sit with Baba Singh and Imbibe Bhang

With mortar and pestle the bhang is prepared
The resinious holi buds and leafs are pounded
Chopped almonds, cinnamon and sugar added
Chashew, pistachio, poppy seed and kharbooja
Water is poured in, with a splash of rosewater
The concoction is boiled and milk is added to it
Left to chill, the illuminating pot potion is ready
The sukhnidhaan’s brought to Baba Santa Singh
With the courage and heart of a lion he imbibes
The holi warrior drink of the ancient Nihang sect
Used to steady battle nerves and to give strength
The Baba takes huge gulps of an exquisite sukha
Relishing the taste of a refreshing holi beverage
Time to reflect and focus on Govinda’s grandeur
Infused and invigorated by the intoxicating bhang
He starts to feel a revelry and he begins chanting
—Ik onkar satnam akal moorat nir bauh nir vair—
He reflects on the true eternal God without form
Without fear, and without hate – ajuni sai bhang –
Beyond birth and death, perpetually self existing
Baba Santa Singh’s mystically stoned once again
He’s proud to imbibe a holi drink of sacred bhang
Proud to be a warrior and proud to be a Nihang
Baba Santa Singh a spiritual man of great honour
Proponent of Bhang and hempen spiritual revelry

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