Qanubast Verse

A Golden Oily Yield of Tolerance and Prosperity

The prohibition of the all purpose cannabis plant
Is a harmful crime committed against humanity
A spiteful edict that has caused great damages
A crooked rule of law that is causing sufferings
A lucrative legislation that does rob and plunder
It is a shameful stain upon the pages of justice
An antiquatated decree that is coming to an end
A command that is ignored and much despised
Governments must recognise the Will of society
And stop harassing cannabis users of the world
Amends should be made, pot prisoners set free
Restitution must now be made to all of humanity
Return property seized, recompense herb users
Distribute all fine money back to the community
Let us bring the prohibitionist profiteers to task
Strip them of their ill gained assets and plunder
Institutions, business, families and government
Should be prosecuted for their shameful actions
A programme of cannabis clemency should be Immediately implemented forthwith worldwide
A programme of hemp prohibition harm reversal
Should be established in every country upon Earth
A policy of truth about herb adopted by all nations
Cannabis freedoms must be given to all wo/men
Everyone must be allowed to take full advantage
Of the all purpose every day healing cannabis herb

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